Agenda 2025 I day

The event is open only to participants who register on-line by March 6, 2025 and receive confirmation of participation. On the day of the event, it will be necessary to present the confirmation at the reception to pick up the badge. The Congress participant badge entitles the participant to admission to the selected panels and the evening Gala of Regions.
The organisers reserve the right to make changes to the Agenda (updated as of: January 8, 2025). The event takes place stationary.
Venue Lublin Conference Centre (LCK), ul. Grottgera 2, Lublin

Concert: Lublin Philharmonic, ul. M. Curie-Skłodowskiej 5, Lublin


12 MARCH 2025_Opening session
Zwiń szczegóły

8.00 - 9.45
Please note that entry to the Event will be possible after prior on-line registration and confirmation of participation. A QR code will be sent to the your e-mail address, authorizing you to enter and receive a participant badge. On-line registration will be conducted until March 6 at up to the limit of places available . The organizers reserve the right to close registration early.

Registration of participants

on-line electronic registration from 20 January to 6 March 2025 
You can collect badges at the reception desk on the basis of a QR code
Lublin Conference Centre, holl, floor 0, main entrance
10.00 - 10.10

Opening of the Congress
Jarosław Stawiarski – Marshal of the Lubelskie Voivodeship

S2, floor 1 and S1, S7
10.10 - 10.40

Keynote speech

S2, floor 1 and S1, S7
10.40 - 11.40

Opening session:

Three Seas initiative – summary of the 10th anniversary and the future of the format 

S2, floor 1 and S1, S7
11.40 - 12.40

Discussion panel:

European Commission and European Parliament towards the Three Seas Initiative

Content partner: Institute of Political Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Political Science and Administration, UKSW

S2, floor 1 and S1, S7
12.40 - 12.45

Official admission of new members to the Network of the Three Seas Regions

S2, floor 1 and S1, S7
12.45 - 13.00

Coffee break

Foyer of conference rooms
13.00 - 17.00

Sesja 1


  • Debate of the Regions
  • Three Seas Initiative
  • Tourism
S2, floor 1

Sesja 2


  • Analysis of the achievements of the Three Seas Initiative
  • Learning and cooperation in action
  • Science for the future
S1, floor 0

Sesja 3

Economic Forum

  • Seminar: Woman’s Lubelskie
  • Exhibition zone
  • B2B
S7, floor 4

12 March 2024 _ International
Zwiń szczegóły

13.00 - 14.00

Debate of the Regions

Multimodal transport in Central Europe – cargo airports, rail, Via Carpatia, Via Baltica

Content partner: Network of the Three Seas Regions Bureau

S2, floor 1
14.00 - 15.00

Panel II

Tourism development

S2, floor 1
15.00 - 16.00

Panel III

Three Seas Initiative – future and challenges in the Euro-Atlantic context

S2, floor 1

12 MARCH 2025_Science
Zwiń szczegóły

13.00 - 17.30

The Three Seas University Network
Content partner: John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin

S1, floor 0
13.00 - 13.15


S1, floor 0
13.15 - 13.30

Official admission of new members to the 3SUN Network

S1, floor 0
13.30 - 14.30

Panel I

A Decade of Scientific and Regional Cooperation: An Analysis of the Achievements of The Three Seas Initiative

S1, floor 0
14.30 -15.30

Panel II

Erasmus+ as a Platform for Research and Cooperation: The Three Seas Initiative in the Context of Contemporary Challenges

S1, floor 0
15.30 - 16.30

Panel III

Science for Health and the Future of Healthcare Systems: Opportunities, Challenges, and Perspectives in The Three Seas Initiative Countries

S1, floor 0
16.30 - 17.30

Panel IV

Artificial Intelligence in Medicine: Innovations, Legal, and Ethical Challenges in the Future of Healthcare

12 MARCH 2025 __ Economic forum
Zwiń szczegóły


Official opening of the Economic Forum
Jarosław Stawiarski, Marshal of the Lubelskie Voivodeship 

S7, floor 4
In the world around us, we can precisely indicate the growing role of women. It is worth taking a look at the profile of women who achieved professional victory in a daring manner. The list of desirable features is long, optimism, creativity, enthusiasm, curiosity about the world, self-confidence, ambition, but also, and perhaps above all: diligence, consistency, courage, ability to analyze and take risks and assertiveness. Achieving success depends not only on specific character traits, knowledge of one's strengths, ambition and willingness to counteract adversities, but also on the knowledge already aquired. The Lublin Voivodeship is a region with great economic potential, which offers enormous development opportunities for entrepreneurial women. Women of the region are the pillar of success and development and ambassadors of entrepreneurship.

Seminar: Woman’s Lubelskie

S7, floor 4

Seminar II: Artificial Intelligence

S7, floor 4
B2B meetings will be held next to S7 hall. o sign up for B2B meetings, please register for the event and fill in the form, which is available under the FORUM tab.

B2B zone

S7, floor 4
The exhibition stands will be located in LCK. They will be open to visitors during the event.

 Exhibition stands

Atrium, floor 0

12 MARCH 2025 __ Three Seas Regions Gala
Zwiń szczegóły

19.00 - 21.30

Presentation of the ‘International Success in the Three Seas Initiative Area’ awards in the categories:

  • International company
  • Regional company
  • Person who has contributed to the development of the Three Seas Initiative
Lublin Philharmonic


The concert is organised by the Lublin Opera an H. Wieniawski Lublin Philharmonic

Lublin Philharmonic