Agenda 2025 I day

The event is open only to participants who registered and received confirmation of participation. On the day of the event, it will be necessary to present the confirmation at the reception to pick up the badge. The Congress participant badge entitles the participant to admission to the selected panels and the evening Gala of Regions.
The organisers reserve the right to make changes to the Agenda. The event takes place stationary.
Venue Lublin Conference Centre (LCK), ul. Grottgera 2, Lublin

Concert: Lublin Philharmonic, ul. M. Curie-Skłodowskiej 5, Lublin


12 MARCH 2025_Opening session
Zwiń szczegóły

8.00 - 9.15
Please note that entry to the Event will be possible after prior on-line registration and confirmation of participation. A QR code will be sent to the your e-mail address, authorizing you to enter and receive a participant badge. On-line registration will be conducted until March 6 at up to the limit of places available . The organizers reserve the right to close registration early.

Registration of participants

on-line electronic registration from 20 January to 6 March 2025 
You can collect badges at the reception desk on the basis of a QR code
Lublin Conference Centre, holl, floor 0, main entrance
10.00 - 10.05

Opening of the Congress
Jarosław Stawiarski – Marshal of the Lubelskie Voivodeship

S2 floor 1 / S1 floor 0 / S7 floor 4
10.05 - 10.30

Keynote speech
Andrzej Duda – President of the Republic of Poland

S2 floor 1 / S1 floor 0 / S7 floor 4
10.30 - 11.30

Opening session:

Three Seas initiative – summary of the 10th anniversary and the future of the format 
Content partner: Chancellery of the President of Poland

Moderator: dr Konrad Popławski - Centre for Eastern Studies
•	Irena Georgieva – Deputy Minister of Tourism of Bulgaria
•	JE Rauf Alp Denktas – Ambassador of Turkey
•	JE Mimoza Halimi – Ambassador of Albania, tbc
•	Gediminas Varvuolis – Ambassador at large for connectivity and Three Seas Initiative, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Lithuania
S2 floor 1 / S1 floor 0 / S7 floor 4
11.30 - 11.40

Signing of the Declaration on the establishment of the Three Seas Tourism Network

Official admission of new members to the Network of the Three Seas Regions tbc
Signing Declaration

Signing of Declaration on Partnership and Cooperation of the Members of the Network of the Three Seas Regions for supporting the preparation and construction of the international transport corridor Via Carpatia

S2 floor 1 / S1 floor 0 / S7 floor 4
11.40 - 12.10

Speech: Artificial intelligence as a tool to internationalize and improve the competitiveness of companies

Prof. Michał Kosiński - Stanford University
S2 floor 1 / S1 floor 0 / S7 floor 4
12.10 - 13.10

Artificial Intelligence – the new industrial (r)evolution? Impact on strengthening development potential
Content partner: Lublin University of Technology (tbc)

Moderator: Paweł Chrapowicki - Director of the LUT’s Centre for Innovation and Technology Transfer (tbc)
•	Piotr Breś - Vice Marshall of the Lubelskie Voivodeship 
•	Prof. Michał Kosiński - Stanford University
•	Dr. hab. Inż. Kamil Jonak, prof. PL - Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Technical Informatics at LUT (tbc)
S2 floor 1 / S1 floor 0 / S7 floor 4
13.00 - 17.30

Sesja 1


  • Tourism development
  • EC and EP towards the Trilateral Initiative
  • The future of 3SI, security disinformation
S2, floor 1

Sesja 2

Economic Forum

  • Seminar: Woman’s Lubelskie
  • Exhibition zone
  • B2B
S7, floor 4

Sesja 3


  • Analysis of the achievements of the Three Seas Initiative
  • Learning and cooperation in action
  • Science for the future
S1, floor 0

12 March 2025 _ International
Zwiń szczegóły

13.30 - 14.30

Panel I
The role of the Three Seas Initiative in the development of inter-regional tourism
Content partner: Lublin Regional Tourist Organisation

Moderator: Marcin Kania - Vice-President of LROT 
•	Nikolay Kostov - Counsellor of the Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria in Poland
•	Artur Zapolski - Second Secretary of the Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania in Poland
•	Tourism Representation of the Czech Republic (tbc)
•	Tourism Representation of Greece (tbc)
•	Tourism Representation of the Republic of Slovenia (tbc)
S2, floor 1
14.30 - 15.30

Panel II
European Commission and European Parliament towards the Three Seas Initiative
Content partner: Institute of Political Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Political Science and Administration, UKSW

Moderator: prof. Magdalena Bainczyk - Western Institute, Prof. Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski University
•	Gedyminas Varvuolis - Ambassador at large for connectivity and Three Seas Initiative, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Lithuania
•	Arkadiusz Mularczyk - Member of the European Parliament (online)
•	prof. Gertruda Uścińska - Rector of Mikołaj Kopernik University of Warsaw
•	prof. Anna Skolimowska - Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University
•	prof. Agnieszka Orzelska-Stączek - Institute of Political Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences
S2, floor 1
15.30 - 16.30

Panel III
The Three Seas Initiative – future and challenges in the Euro-Atlantic context, cyber-security, economic relations, countering disinformation
Content partner: Schumans Thought Institute

Moderator: Tomasz Pysiak - Chairman of the Schuman Trimarium Forum, Managing Director of the Schuman’s Thought Institute
•	prof. Zbigniew Krysiak - Chairman of the Programme Council of the Institute of Schuman’s Thought
•	prof. Grigoris Zarotiadis - President of ASECU, Member of the Supervisory Board of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece)
•	Tomasz Zdzikot - National Development Council to the President of the Republic of Poland (member of the Security and Defense Council and the Council for Strategic Development Projects)
•	gen. Domenico Giani - President of the National Confederation of Misericordie in Italy (Italy)
•	Cezary Kaźmierczak - President of the Association of Entrepreneurs and Employers 
•	dr Łukasz Lewkowicz - Senior Analyst of Visegrad Team in Institute of Central Europe, researcher at UMCS
S2, floor 1

12 MARCH 2025 __ Economic forum
Zwiń szczegóły


Official opening of the Economic Forum
Jarosław Stawiarski, Marshal of the Lubelskie Voivodeship 

S7, floor 4
In the world around us, we can precisely indicate the growing role of women. It is worth taking a look at the profile of women who achieved professional victory in a daring manner. The list of desirable features is long, optimism, creativity, enthusiasm, curiosity about the world, self-confidence, ambition, but also, and perhaps above all: diligence, consistency, courage, ability to analyze and take risks and assertiveness. Achieving success depends not only on specific character traits, knowledge of one's strengths, ambition and willingness to counteract adversities, but also on the knowledge already aquired. The Lublin Voivodeship is a region with great economic potential, which offers enormous development opportunities for entrepreneurial women. Women of the region are the pillar of success and development and ambassadors of entrepreneurship.

Seminar: Woman’s Lubelskie

S7, floor 4

Seminar II: Artificial Intelligence

S7, floor 4
B2B meetings will be held next to S7 hall. o sign up for B2B meetings, please register for the event and fill in the form, which is available under the FORUM tab.

B2B zone

S7, floor 4
The exhibition stands will be located in LCK. They will be open to visitors during the event.

 Exhibition stands

Atrium, floor 0

12 MARCH 2025_Science
Zwiń szczegóły

13.00 - 17.30

The Three Seas University Network
Content partner: John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin

S1, floor 0
13.00 - 13.15

Opening of the conference by HM Rev. Prof. Mirosław Kalinowski, Rector of the Catholic University of Lublin

S1, floor 0
13.15 - 13.30

Official admission of new members to the 3SUN Network

S1, floor 0
13.30 - 14.30

Panel I

Three Seas Universities Network: Science, Innovation and Cooperation for Sustainable Development and the Future of the Region

Moderator: prof. dr. hab. Maciej Banach, M.D., Ph. - John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin
•	dr hab. Marcin Szewczak - prof. KUL, Member of the Board of the Lubelskie Voivodeship, Catholic University of Lublin
•	prof. Vaja Vardidze - Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani University
•	prof. Jasna Ćurković Nimac - Vice-Rector for International Relations - Catholic University of Croatia
•	dr. Tomas Nikodym - Head of the Research, Development and Accreditations Centre, Metropolitan University Prague
•	prof. dr hab. Markijan Malski - Dean of the Faculty of International Relations, (former) Ambassador of Ukraine to Poland, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
S1, floor 0
14.30 -15.30

Panel II

Education and cooperation – values that connect: Leveraging the potential of the Three Seas Initiative and the Erasmus+ program for the region’s future

Moderator: Izabela Witkowska, MA, MBA - John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin
•	dr Angela Kahil , Department of History, Holy Spirit University of Kaslik (Lebanon)
•	prof. Darine Zacca - School of Architecture and Design, Holy Spirit University of Kaslik (Lebanon)
•	dr Michaela Moravčíková - Vice Dean of the Faculty of Law, Trnava University (Slovakia)
•	dr hab. Małgorzata Ganczar - Prof. of the Catholic University of Lublin, Faculty of Law, Canon Law and Administration, John Paul II Catholic University of Poland
•	Łukasz Wawer - Director of Development and Innovation, PCG Academia
S1, floor 0
15.30 - 16.30

Panel III

Science for health and the future of healthcare systems: Opportunities, challenges, and perspectives in the Three Seas Initiative countries”

Moderator: Prof. dr. hab. Maciej Banach, M.D., PhD - John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin and Prof. Dan Gaita - European Society of Cardiology, University of Timisoara
•	Prof. Željko Reiner - University of Zagreb  
•	Prof. Daniel Pella - University of Kosice  
•	Prof. dr hab. n. med. Robert Gil - MSWIA Hospital
•	Prof. Gustavs Latkovskis - University of Riga  
•	Prof. Zlatko Fras - University of Ljubljana  
•	Prof. Dr. hab. Michał Zembala, M.D., Ph. - John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin
S1, floor 0
16.30 - 17.30

Panel IV

Artificial Intelligence in Medicine: Innovations, Legal, and Ethical Challenges in the Future of Healthcare

Moderator: Prof. dr. hab. Maciej Banach, M.D., Ph., - John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin and Prof. Dragos Vinereanu - University of Bucharest  
•	Prof. dr. hab. Dariusz Dudek, M.D., Ph. - Collegium Medicum, Jagiellonian University
•	Prof. Ivan Pećin - University of Zagreb
•	Dr hab. Kamil Jonak - Lublin Technical University

12 MARCH 2025 __ Three Seas Regions Gala
Zwiń szczegóły

19.00 - 20.15

Presentation of the ‘International Success in the Three Seas Initiative Area’ awards in the categories:

  • International company
  • Regional company
  • Person who has contributed to the development of the Three Seas Initiative


The concert is organised by the Lublin Opera an H. Wieniawski Lublin Philharmonic

Lublin Philharmonic
20.15 - 21.30


Lublin Philharmonic
12.00 - 16.00

Business Lunch Zone

Special lunch menu for Congress participants

2pier Restaurant, floor 5