5th Three Seas Initiative Summit in Tallinn

On 19-20 October the 5th Three Seas Initiative Summit took place in Tallinn. The meeting was held in a hybrid format due to the pandemic. President of Poland Andrzej Duda, President of Estonia Kersti Kaljulaid and President of Bulgaria Rumen Radew came in person to the capital of Estonia, which holds the Presidency of the Initiative. The remaining representatives participated remotely in the event.

Also, the President of Germany Frank-Walter Steinmeier, the US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Vice-president of the European Commission Margrethe Vestager took part in the Summit holding talks online.

The greatest achievement of the Summit is undoubtedly a declaration of increased investment in the Three Seas Investment Fund. Established in 2019, upon the initiative of the Polish BGK bank and the Romanian Exim Bank, the fund operates as a private investment fund and supports projects evaluated as profitable. The states with the highest financial contribution into the fund define priority investment areas. According to president of the BGK bank and the chairman of supervisory board of the fund Beata Daszyńska-Muzyczka, in the view of several years, the investment pool will amount to EUR 100 billion. At present, the amount of the fund is close to 1 billion. The commitment to the fund has also been declared by the United States. This issue was raised by Mike Pompeo during the closed-door meeting. Later on, the same day during Keith Krach’s public speech, the US Undersecretary of State for Economic, Growth, Energy, and Environment defined a real dimension of this commitment - the USA will invest in the Three Seas Fund 30% of the total contribution of 12 member states being involved in the Initiative, up to the amount of EUR 1 billion. Currently, apart from Poland and Romania, also Estonia, Hungary, Bulgaria, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovenia, and Croatia (in total nine out of 12 Three Seas countries) have declared their contribution into the fund. BGK also announced increasing its contribution by further EUR 250 million.

The United States confirmed their interest and readiness to invest into the development of nuclear energy and 5G technology across the Three Seas countries. Development of communication technologies is also a priority and the reaction to the crisis brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic. During the summit, Estonia proposed a concept called Smart Connectivity, which focuses on digitalisation mainly in transport and energy safety sectors. The development of digital technologies increases the investment attractiveness and economic competitiveness of the states in this region of Europe, which, in recent years, has shown a considerable growth in the field of modern and smart technologies. Estonia itself can be a good example of it – it is one of the most digitalised countries in the world. At the occasion of the Summit, a website of the Three Seas Initiative (WWW.3SEAS.EU) has been created.

Within the Summit in Tallinn, President of Poland Andrzej Duda had a meeting with the President of Estonia and Estonian Prime Minister Juri Ratas. Apart from the Three Seas issues, the talks concerned the situation in Belarus, the new EU budget and the COVID-19 pandemic. The same day the Polish-Estonian Chamber of Commerce was launched. The Polish President also took part in this event.

At the end of the year, the presidency in the Three Seas Initiative will be taken over by Bulgaria so next year summit can be expected in Sofia.

We encourage you to follow the Congress profile on Facebook.


Photo: Three Seas / Annika Haas

The official website of the President of the Republic of Poland
Atlantic Council

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3Seas Congress is fast approaching! Join key debates about the future of the region

We are fast approaching the fifth edition of the 3Seas Congress, one of the most important events dedicated to cooperation between the regions of Central and Eastern Europe.

This year we are honored to be working with such prestigious partners as: the Chancellery of the President of the Republic of Poland, the Institute of Political Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences, the Institute of Schuman's Thought, Grand Hetman Kostiantyn Ostrogski Lithuanian-Polish-Ukrainian Brigade, as well as Polish universities: John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Lublin University of Technology, Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw and Nicolaus Copernicus Superior School.

During the Congress, we will be summarising the 10th anniversary of the Three Seas Initiative, analysing the prospects for its further development, as well as looking at the role of the European Union in this cooperation and key challenges, such as multimodal transport in Central Europe.

As part of the scientific path organized by KUL, Polish and foreign universities and research centers will address the subject of education and cooperation as values ​​connecting regions. They will consider how to effectively use the potential of the ERASMUS + program for the future of the Three Seas, and will also talk about artificial intelligence in medicine and health care, analyzing its opportunities, challenges and prospects.

The Economic Forum will feature thematic sessions, including Feminine Lubelskie, showing the role of women and their impact on regional development; Artificial Intelligence and the Economy - the impact of modern technologies on the development of enterprises; Internationalization of SMEs - opportunities for small and medium-sized enterprises in the context of the World EXPO in Osaka.

There will also be debates on culture, security, and the reconstruction of Ukraine led by regional leaders and experts. In the face of dynamic geopolitical changes and global challenges, dialogue and exchange of ideas are now more important than ever. Therefore, we invite all interested parties to participate in discussions that will shape the future of our region.

REGISTRATION is open until 6 March 2025 or until the limit of places is reached. See you in Lublin!

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Registration for the 5th 3Seas Congress is now open!

We are pleased to announce the start of registration for the fifth edition of the Three Seas Local Government Congress, which will be held on 12-13 March 2025 in Lublin.

During the 5th edition of the Congress, we will debate about infrastructure investments, led by the flagship project Via Carpatia, energy security, cyber security, digital transformation or regional integration. The event's agenda will include regular points such as the Debate of the Regions, the Debate on Culture, the Economic Forum and meetings of young leaders.

Don't miss the opportunity to establish valuable contacts and participate in inspiring discussions. Join us and let's build the future of the Three Seas Initiative together!


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We invite you to the 5th 3Seas Congress

The fifth edition of the Three Seas Local Government Congress will be held in Lublin on 12-13 March 2025. This prestigious event, initiated in 2021 in Lublin, has become a key platform for cooperation between regions from Central and Eastern Europe. The Congress brings together representatives of government and local government administration, science and business sectors from 13 Three Seas countries, such as Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia, as well as strategic partners: the European Commission, the United States of America, the Federal Republic of Germany and Japan.

Every year, the event's programme focuses on contemporary challenges in the areas of transport, energy and digitalisation. During debates and discussions, invited guests discuss energy security, the development of the hydrogen economy, infrastructure including progress on the Via-Carpatia route, artificial intelligence or the digitalisation of society. The accompanying Economic Forum offers seminars on the green economy, innovation and the role of women in business.

During the fifth edition of the Congress, we will talk about, among other things: investments in infrastructure, led by the flagship project Via Carpatia, energy security, cyber security, digital transformation or regional integration. The event's agenda will include regular programme points such as the Debate of the Regions, the Debate on Culture, the Economic Forum and young leaders meetings.

The President of the Republic of Poland, Andrzej Duda, emphasized at the fourth Three Seas Congress that "The Three Seas Initiative has a very specific dimension. It is primarily a space of security - not military security because we have the North Atlantic Alliance for these matters. I mean security understood in the economic and social context, which consists of transport, energy and digital infrastructure". In 2025, Poland will host the jubilee 10th Three Seas Initiative Summit, which will be an excellent opportunity to sum up, strengthen and give new impetus to the Three Seas Initiative.

We cordially invite you to the March edition of the Congress in 2025 - a cyclical event strengthening the position of the Lubelskie Region as an important centre for international cooperation in Central Europe.

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2nd edition of the Eastern Congress of Young Leaders

How to avoid online threats, artificial intelligence in education and challenges in the activities of International Meeting Houses are just some of the issues discussed during the second edition of the Eastern Congress of Young Leaders. The event was attended by young leaders from Poland, Ukraine, Belarus and Lithuania.

The Congress were held on 13-14 June 2024 in Lublin Conference Centre. The inspiration for its realization was the 18th edition of the Economic Forum of Young Leaders (FEML), the largest international socio-economic conference in Central and Eastern Europe organises by Foundation as an accompanying event to the Economic Forum in Karpacz (formerly in Krynica).

The mission of this year's Congress was to lead the debate and create space for it, and to strive to adequately prepare young people to participate in the discussion on the future of Poland, Europe and the world. Various types of problems faced by young people, such as employment and the labour market, in order to look for effective solutions was analysed. Special attention was paid to this issues. Mariusz Wiktorowicz - Head of the Information and Career Planning Center in Lublin, in his speech, presented to young people what and how to learn to become a leader on the labor market. The Chief emphasized that time is the greatest capital of young people. According to him, it is also worth taking up a job while still studying to gain experience that is useful and sought after on the labor market. Through solid work at a young age, young people also make a name for themselves. In turn, in the panel entitled "The corporation - imagination vs. reality", almost all participants emphasised the role of studies in the context of acquiring soft skills. Maciej Dudkowski, a manager from PwC Poland, advised Congress participants to persistently pursue their goals and not to worry about possible failures. In addition, he emphasised that opinions about working several hours a day are untrue.

One of the most interesting panels at this year's Congress was the panel entitled "Interculturalism a challenge in the activities of International Meeting Houses?" Rev. Dr. Stefan Batruch - President of the Foundation for Spiritual Culture of the Borderland - talked about the young people from Ukraine whom his Foundation took into its care after they fled their country following the aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine. "We are trying to enable refugees from Ukraine so that by their own involvement and their own activity they can discover the potential they have within themselves. Also, we are not so much trying to teach the newly arrived young people in Lublin, but we are trying to give them, to create opportunities for them, so that they themselves, better understand their needs when they look at them from their own perspective."

In turn, Agata Dziubińska-Gawlik, President of the European Meeting Center - Nowy Staw Foundation, emphasized the role of the National Institute of Freedom in the activities of International Meeting Centers. “For many years, the International Meeting Houses, which were established in the 1990s, were impoverished both in terms of infrastructure and programs. This situation changed after the appearance of this program, dedicated exclusively to MDSs. Moreover, President Gawlik emphasized that "we have to help the residents. Lublin and beyond, to get used to the fact that strangers or people with a different national, linguistic or cultural identity are not a threat to us, that this stranger is not a competition to be afraid of.

Ludmila Zubarieva – President of the NGO Great Idea mentioned, that over the last year, despite the ongoing war, it was possible to establish an International Meeting House in Ukraine in the city of Kovel in the Volyn Oblast, close to the Polish border. Ms Ludmila highlighted the role and opportunities offered by international youth exchanges. “Young people return from such trips inspired, with additional energy to further their own development, interested in discovering the world. Thanks to such exchanges, young people experience other cultures".

Congress was the great opportunity for young Poles, Ukrainians, Belarusians and Lithuanians for discussions about cultural heritage, national identity and also cooperation between their countries e.g. In terms of international exchanges.

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President Andrzej Duda attended the second day of the Congress

The second day of the 3Seas Local Government Congress was opened by Jarosław Stawiarski, Marshal of the Lubelskie Voivodeship. The Congress was honoured with the presence of the President of the Republic of Poland, Andrzej Duda, who delivered an important keynote speech. More regions joined the Network of the Three Seas Regions.

This year, more than 900 participants from 20 countries attended the fourth 3Seas Congress.

– Three Seas Initiatives is now almost ten years old and will continue because it is a historical necessity. One hundred and twenty million people in thirteen countries have the right to function based on equal rights in the European Union. This potential should enable us to catch up faster with the old EU countries. We are building this community, we are inspired and we are united for the good of the whole of a united Europe – emphasised Marshal Jarosław Stawiarski.

The President of the Republic of Poland, Andrzej Duda, then addressed the Congress participants.

– The congress is an extremely valuable and important event in the context of the further development of the Three Seas Initiative, which was designed primarily as a platform for economic and infrastructural cooperation, but in such a flexible way that we can successfully develop its local government dimension. I would like to acknowledge with appreciation the achievements of the Lubelskie Voivodeship as a region remaining in the European avant-garde in inspiring new directions in the development of the Three Seas cooperation. I am glad that you are consistently developing the Congress, which has become a permanent part of the Three Seas Initiative's calendar and which, year by year, attracts more and more local government officials, local and regional business representatives, as well as representatives of other countries outside the Initiative's areas. Most importantly, however, is the content with which you are creatively enriching the Three Seas cooperation agenda - you have created two new institutions: "Network of the Three Seas Regions" and "The Three Seas Universities Network". I congratulate you on these ideas for strengthening cooperation and wholeheartedly wish you success in achieving your ambitious goals – said the President of the Republic of Poland Andrzej Duda.

A decade of Three Seas cooperation – state of play ahead of the 10th Three Seas Initiative Summit in Poland.

By the decision of the President of the Republic of Poland, Andrzej Duda, the anniversary Summit and Business Forum of the Three Seas Initiative in 2025 will be held in Poland. Ten years of development of the Three Seas format allow us to formulate assessments of this cooperation: what has been achieved? What are the greatest successes of the Three Seas Initiative? What failures has the Initiative experienced and what lessons have been learned? The panel participants looked for the priorities of the Polish presidency of the Three Seas Initiative in the coming year.

After the official opening session, new members were admitted to the Network of the Three Seas Regions. The Network of the Three Seas Regions was launched in June 2021 by signing the Lublin Declaration. Today, this cooperation is formed by 25 regions from 7 countries: Poland, Bulgaria, Hungary, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia and Ukraine.

The following regions have finalised admission to the Network this year: • Volyn Oblast (Ukraine); • Rivne Oblast (Ukraine); • Ternopil Oblast (Ukraine); • Luhansk Oblast (Ukraine) online; • Odessa Oblast (Ukraine) online.

Joining the Network of the Three Seas Regions allows for joint projects in various fields: economy, infrastructure, environment, digitalisation and education and science. Ukrainian regions join the Network as associated partners.


• Debate of the Regions: Three Seas Infrastructure, Via Carpatia; • Prospects for the development of the Three Seas Universities Network - cooperation of science and local government; • Debate of the Regions II: Cooperation priorities of regions associated under the Three Seas Initiative; • Good practices of the Three Seas – case studies; Good practices of the Three Seas - Meeting Corner; Networking

Debate of the Regions: Three Seas Infrastructure, Via Carpatia.

The panel discussed the construction of the trans-European transport corridor Via Carpatia, but also Rail Carpatia, new opportunities that, on the one hand, strengthen the security of the macroregion and influence its economic development, and on the other hand, create a network of Three Seas transport connections.

Prospects for the development of the Three Seas Universities Network - cooperation of science and local government.

The panel was a continuation of the conference "The Three Seas Universities Network in the face of opportunities and threats to the digital space of universities" organized by the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin during the scientific session on the first day.

Debate of the Regions II: Cooperation priorities of regions associated under the Three Seas Initiative.

The panel was addressed to regions that do not yet belong to the Three Seas Initiative, but which aspire to join the Network of the Three Seas Regions or have started cooperation within it as associated partners. The main goal of the panel was to identify challenges and problems, and above all, priorities resulting from the conditions and existing premises, which can be used to create a platform for cooperation in order to find solutions to similar problems through the implementation of new joint projects on Ukraine and Moldova's path to integration with the EU.

Good practices of the Three Seas – case studies

This part of the Congress was aimed at creating a space for inspiration, sharing experiences and building relationships between professionals in the field of international cooperation in the Three Seas area. The meeting was divided into two parts. In the first part, the so-called 'inspiration session', a selection of projects were presented that have already been successful, are in progress or have great potential for future implementation. In turn, the second part featured meeting corners. Participants were able to move between three thematic stations: Modern Technologies and Green Energy, Culture and Tourism, and Aid to Ukraine. The formula allowed for a free conversation about the presented projects.


As a part of the Forum, three seminars were held: • Seminar I: Healthy Society • Seminar II: Digital Society • Seminar III: Material technologies, production and logistics processes.

Seminar I: Healthy Society.

The debate focused participants' attention on various aspects of health and led to deliberations around the most important challenges facing society in the context of health in a broad sense, including health education, access to medical care, promotion of healthy lifestyles or the fight against diseases and the impact of the environment on health. The seminar is an opportunity to look for solutions that can help to bring 21st century diseases under control and improve the health of society.

Seminar II: Digital society.

The digital economy and the ICT sector in the Three Seas countries have experienced significant growth in recent years. Our region has become an important center of technological progress, innovation and digitalization for the entire EU. The importance of the digital economy and the ICT sector has played a key role in driving economic growth and developing the competitiveness of our region. In selected areas, the Central and Eastern European region is already ahead of the more developed, Western EU economies. During the session, we learned about the latest data on the condition of the digital economy and the ICT sector in Central and Eastern Europe. The participants discussed how to use the opportunities facing Poland and the region related to the digitization of the economy in the spirit of cooperation and responsibility, and identified the most important obstacles to progress and innovation in the Three Seas countries.

Seminar III: Material technologies, production and logistics processes

Panelists discussed trends in the area of sustainable energy use and the management of production and logistics processes. Participants learnt in which areas we can expect legislative changes that will have an impact on the conduct of business and which new technological and scientific solutions will enable industry-specific performance indicators to be achieved.


The "Unissued Diplomas" exhibition was placed in the foyer of S1, presenting the life stories of 40 Ukrainian students who lost their lives as a result of aggression from the Russian Federation. Unissued diplomas of young people whose plans and dreams were brutally interrupted by the war. The exhibition, organized by the group of Ukrainian students "Connect with UA", has so far been shown in 250 places in over 30 countries. On the second and third day of the Congress, the Congress of Young Leaders also took place, which gathered almost 150 participants. Report from the Congress of Young Leaders coming soon.

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