Digitalization in the Three Seas Region
Within the framework of cooperation on the IT and telecommunications level, 13 digitisation projects are being implemented in the Three Seas region. Their brief descriptions are presented below.
Cross-border 5G Transport Corridors for Connected and Automated Mobility (CAM) in the Baltic States: ensuring permanent 5G connectivity along Lithuania's main transport corridors: Via Baltica route and Rail Baltica railway route by building the missing mobile infrastructure (with all contained elements: channels, transmission fibreoptics , towers, electricity, etc.), which would be adapted to 5G needs.
Adaptation of GSM-R towers to 5G: modernisation of Hungarian railway communication systems, tower and optical network.
Central European Drone Demonstrator (CEDD): the primary objective is to create environment for the safe integration of drones into the airspace and the overall economy.
Development of a cross-border network of data centres: the establishment of a network of data centres across the investment region of the Three Seas Initiative Investment Fund.
Development of a cross-border fibre-optic network: the aim is to enable better and more secure data transfer from the north to the south of the region and to bridge the gap in the communication infrastructure.
Development of High-Performance Computing (HPC) infrastructure, creation and operation of an HPC ecosystem in the CEE-n region. The project will substantively contribute to the region's competitiveness in science and innovative development in high-tech fields.
Digital Platform for monitoring of hydrographic bases in the Three Seas region: development of an intelligent digital platform for real-time monitoring of water from hydrographic basins in the Three Seas region, digital modelling of pollution, water discharges, risk analysis, calculation and monitoring of water currents and monitoring of water quality parameters.
Interoperability solutions for a digitized and sustainable energy sector in the Three Seas area in the field of energy storage: definition and development of a Roadmap for the transition to a digitized and sustainable energy sector and definition and development of a smart digital platform for energy storage (electricity and natural gas) in the Three Seas area.
Introduction of smart outdoor lighting technologies: the project will allow remote control of lighting through mobile technologies such as 5G, enable the usage of motion sensors to achieve even higher energy savings, and anticipate future applications of beacons, from telecommunication base stations to urban sensor systems.
NP-BBI Programme (National Programme for the Development of Broadband Backhaul Infrastructure in Underserved Areas for Investment): the project formally comprises two programme units: Programme Unit A covering construction of NGN backhaul infrastructure and Programme Unit B covering construction of NGA infrastructure for public users.
5G PPDR Pilot Project - Public Protection Disaster Relief: the project focuses on reliable 5G-ready communications and applications, using new and improved ways of interaction for citizens and professionals in public protection and disaster relief (PPDR).
The 3 Seas Digital Highway: joint cross-border cyber-resilient digital infrastructure projects that enable better and more secure data transfer from the north to the south of the region and bridge gaps in communications infrastructure, including fibre optic infrastructure and 5G technology.
Transportation stock exchange in the Three Seas region: creating an intelligent digital platform with the ability to transpose transport services and international expansion, real-time freight transport to optimise transport services, inventory of reserves and access to information on tariffs, special services and incident evidence.
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