Speakers 2024 day II


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Jarosław Stawiarski

Marshal of the Lubelskie Voivodeship

An experienced self-government official and politician.
A graduate in history at the Humanistic Department of the University of Marie Curie Skłodowska in Lublin, an alumnus of postgraduate studies in management.

He was a teacher, headmaster, councillor and a deputy mayor in his hometown Kraśnik. Member of National Parliament for 4 terms. He had served as the Secretary of State in the Ministry of Sport and Tourism, where as the Vice-Minister had been responsible mainly for financial support of sports infrastructure. Under his management about half a billion PLN was annually spent on new sports facilities. He also supervised the National Stadium, the Central Sports Centre and the Institute of Sport. He is a member of the bureau of the European Committee of Regions and the president of the Presidential Council for Self-Government.

On 21st November 2019 elected for the Marshal of the Lubelskie Voivodeship. Passionate about sport both in private and professional terms, always present at the most important sports events. Supports Polish national teams in different disciplines.


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dr Adam Eberhardt

Deputy Director, Centre for Eastern Studies, University of Warsaw

Dr. Adam Eberhardt – an expert in international affairs, academic lecturer, and business advisor. Deputy Director of the Centre for East European Studies at the University of Warsaw (SEW UW). An expert for the OSCE in the implementation of the Human Dimension Mechanism. Former Director of the Centre for Eastern Studies (OSW) and Plenipotentiary of the Prime Minister of Poland for Supporting Reforms in the Republic of Moldova.

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Akio Miyajima

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan to Poland

Ambassador Miyajima arrived in Warsaw in November 2020. He is a career diplomat with 40 years of experience since 1981. Previously, Ambassador Miyajima served as Japan’s Ambassador to Turkey and has served in Washington, Seoul, New York (UN) and London. Ambassador Miyajima holds a BA in Political Science from Waseda University and an MA in International Relations from Yale University.

Opening session: A decade of Tree Seas cooperation – state of play ahead of the 10th Three Seas Initiative Summit in Poland

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Juris Poikāns

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Latvia to Poland

Ambassador Juris Poikāns has served as Ambassador of Latvia to Poland since October 2021. From 2015 to 2021, he served as Latvia’s Ambassador to Ukraine. He joined the Latvian Foreign Service in 1996 as an expert on Russia and Eastern European countries. For the next ten years, he covered the region both in Riga and during delegations in Moscow and Minsk. During his career in the Latvian Foreign Service, he served as a member of the Policy Planning Group and Deputy Political Director of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Ambassador Poikāns has also served as Deputy Chief of Mission at the Latvian Embassy in the United States, Latvian Ambassador to Slovenia, Latvian Ambassador to Moldova, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo. Prior to his posting to Ukraine, Juris Poikāns was Ambassador for Eastern Partnership at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. As ambassador-at-large during the Latvian Presidency of the European Council in 2015, he was responsible for the organisation of the fourth Eastern Partnership Summit in Riga.

Opening session: A decade of Tree Seas cooperation – state of play ahead of the 10th Three Seas Initiative Summit in Poland

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Beata Daszyńska-Muzyczka

Ambassador –special representative of the President of the Republic of Poland for the Three Seas Initiative

President of the Management Board of Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego from 2016 to 2024. She was the 20th President of BGK and the second woman to hold this position since the bank was founded in 1924.
She is the originator and initiator of the establishment of the Trilateral Initiative Fund and the 3W initiative: water, hydrogen, coal.
She has been honoured with, among others, the Promethean Award of President Lech Kaczyński, the title of Banking Manager of the Year 2018 by Gazeta Bankowa, and was also included in Forbes magazine’s Top 10 Polish Female Managers. Economic Personality of the Year 2021. Awarded the Order of the Terra Mariana Cross by the President of Estonia Kersti Kaljulaid for her contribution to deepening friendly relations with Estonia.
In 2023, from the hands of President Andrzej Duda, she was nominated as Ambassador – Special Representative of the President of Poland for the Trilateral Initiative.

Opening session: A decade of Tree Seas cooperation – state of play ahead of the 10th Three Seas Initiative Summit in Poland

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Aaron Korewa

Director of Atlantic Council’s Warsaw Office

Aaron Korewa is the director of the Atlantic Council’s Warsaw Office which is part of the Europe Center. Korewa previously worked at the McCain Institute for International Leadership. Born in Sweden but with both Polish and American family roots, Korewa holds an MA in international politics and a BA in economics from Uppsala University. At the McCain Institute, he ran the Kissinger Fellowship, a project to counter disinformation from authoritarian states, and participated in the Institute’s Working Groups on Russia and Reaffirming America’s Alliances.

Opening session: A decade of Tree Seas cooperation – state of play ahead of the 10th Three Seas Initiative Summit in Poland

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Agnieszka Orzelska-Stączek, dr hab

Institute of Political Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences

Expert on the Three Seas Initiative, head of the Department of Central and Eastern Europe and Post-Soviet Research at the Institute of Political Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences. A graduate of the Institute of International Relations at the Faculty of Journalism and Political Science at the University of Warsaw and the Warsaw School of Economics, she also studied at the Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris.

Opening session: A decade of Tree Seas cooperation – state of play ahead of the 10th Three Seas Initiative Summit in Poland

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Cezary Kaźmierczak

Chairman of the Council of Warsaw Enterprise Institute / President of Union of Enterpreneurs and Employers

 From 1989 to 1996, he resided in the USA, where he served as the editor-in-chief of the Polish-American Daily and the Courier and later ran a marketing agency. Upon returning to Poland, he assumed the position of Sales Director at RMF FM Radio. Subsequently, in 1997, he founded the training company Midwest ITSE, and in 2000, he established the MMT Management agency. For many years, he personally conducted hundreds of training sessions on sales, sales management, and communication. From 2005 to 2014, he was a member of the Board of the Adam Smith Center. In 2010, he founded the Union of Entrepreneurs and Employers, of which he is the president. He also serves as the chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Warsaw Enterprise Institute. Since 2018, he has held the position of Deputy Chairman of the Social Dialogue Council.

Opening session: A decade of Tree Seas cooperation – state of play ahead of the 10th Three Seas Initiative Summit in Poland

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Dr Marek Natusiewicz

Member of the Wacław Felczak Polish-Hungarian Cooperation Institute Council

A retired architect by education, an urban planner by practice, a Solidarność (Polish trade union) activist in 1980 by the choice of his colleagues, a political prisoner by the order of the Military Council of National Salvation, a secondary politician by chance, a friend of Kornel Morawiecki from deep underground resistance, a member of the Wacław Felczak Polish-Hungarian Cooperation Institute Council by appointment, and an academic lecturer for the pleasure of engaging with young people.

Session 1, Panel I: Debate of the Regions: Three Seas Infrastructure, Via Carpatia

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Piotr Breś

Vice Marshal of the Lubelskie Voivodeship

Master of Science in Electrical Engineering from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at Lublin University of Technology. He completed postgraduate studies in agriculture at the University of Life Sciences in Lublin, human resource management with a focus on European standards at the Warsaw School of Economics, and an MBA at Lublin University of Technology. From 2019 to 2020, he was a member of the University Council of Lublin University of Technology.

Since 2006, he has been running a business in the field of insurance. Since 2008, he has been the owner of a marketing and event company, responsible for organizing festivals and concerts, commercial negotiations, the company’s economic policy, and team management.

City Councilor of Lublin from 2014 to 2024. Since 2019, he has been the Chairman of the Social Council of the Neuropsychiatric Hospital named after Prof. Mieczysław Kaczyński in Lublin, of which he has been a member since 2016. Since 2021, he has been a member of the Program Council of Polish Radio Lublin. From 2021 to 2024, he was the Director of Totalizator Sportowy, where he managed the managerial staff and administration, sales, strategy, and commercial negotiations. Member of the regional assembley of the Lubelskie Voivodeship for the 2024-2029 term.

Session 1, Panel I: Debate of the Regions: Three Seas Infrastructure, Via Carpatia

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Khrystyna Zamula

Deputy Head of the Lviv Regional State Administration

Work experience in public authorities for 12 years. This is a growth from a tax inspector to the head of a district and deputy head of a region. Registered and arranged the functioning of the newly formed Lviv District State Administration. From the beginning of the full-scale war with russia and until 2024, held the position of head of the Lviv District Military Administration and, according to the law, was the head of the territorial defense forces of the Lviv district. Together with partners, we created a shelter for women victims of violence and a shelter for internally displaced persons.

Session 1, Panel I: Debate of the Regions: Three Seas Infrastructure, Via Carpatia

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Jozef Kanuščák

Vice-President of the Prešov Self-Governing Region

An experienced official and politician at local, regional and national level. Active in regional policy since 2017 as a Member of the Regional Parliament of the Prešov Self-Governing Region. In December 2022 elected Vice-President of the Prešov Region. Since 2018 he has been representing the interests also at local level as a Member of the Town Council of Lipany. He is currently active at the Ministry of Education, Research, Development and Youth of the Slovak Republic. In 2022, he served as a Member of the National Council of the Slovak Republic. 

Session 1, Panel I: Debate of the Regions: Three Seas Infrastructure, Via Carpatia

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János Ádám Karácsony

Vice-President of the General Assembly of Pest County, COR Member

Vice-President of the Pest County Council, member of the European Committee of the Regions and coordinator of the ECR group in the SEDEC Commission. He is the CoR rapporteur for various opinions, including: demographic changes, clean air policy and the EU strategy to combat and support anti-Semitism Jewish lifestyle. He is an Ambassador of the European Climate Pact and a member of Congress
Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe.

Session 1, Panel I: Debate of the Regions: Three Seas Infrastructure, Via Carpatia

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Małgorzata Jarosińska-Jedynak

Member of the Board of the Podkarpackie Region

Polish civil servant, engineer, and specialist in EU programs. From 2018 to 2019, she served as Undersecretary of State at the Ministry of Investment and Development, from 2019 to 2020 as Minister of Funds and Regional Policy, and from 2020 to 2023 as Secretary of State in the same ministry. On November 27, 2023, she assumed the position of Minister of Funds and Regional Policy in Mateusz Morawiecki’s third cabinet, holding the role until December 13, 2023. In February 2024, she became the Vice President of the company managing the Rzeszów-Jasionka Airport. In May of the same year, she was appointed to the board of the Podkarpackie Region for the seventh term.

She graduated in environmental engineering with a specialisation in municipal engineering from the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the Rzeszów University of Technology, and also completed postgraduate studies in occupational health and safety at the same university. She subsequently worked in local government administration, focusing on EU funds, regional development, and entrepreneurship support. She was initially employed at the Tyczyn Municipality Office, then at the Voivodes Office of the Podkarpackie Region, and later for ten years at the Marshal’s Office of the Podkarpackie Region, where she advanced from inspector to Director of the Entrepreneurship Support Department.

Session 1, Panel I: Debate of the Regions: Three Seas Infrastructure, Via Carpatia

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Member of the Board of the Lubelskie Voivodeship

Lawyer, legal adviser, Europeanist, professor at the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin. He has completed numerous foreign internships and study trips. Representative of the Lubelskie Voivodeship in the Network of Regional Hubs for EU Policy Implementation Review, operating at the EU Committee of the Regions. President of the Institute for Local Government Development of the Lubelskie Voivodeship in 2019-2024. Co-organiser of successive editions of the 3Seas Local Government Congress and Chairman of the Congress Programme Council.

Session 1, Panel II: Scientific session of the Catholic University of Lublin: Development prospects of the Three Seas Universities Network - cooperation between science and local government

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Saray Roman Dmitrovych

Head of the Transcarpathian Regional Council

Candidate of legal sciences, associate professor at Uzhhorod National University. Was a deputy of the Uzhgorod District Council of the VI and VII convocations. Elected deputy of the Transcarpathian Regional Council of the VIIIth convocation from the Transcarpathian Regional Organization of the “SERVANT OF THE PEOPLE” POLITICAL PARTY. Member of PP “SERVANT OF THE PEOPLE” faction in the regional council.  He was elected the chairman of the Transcarpathian Regional Council of the VIII convocation on September 27, 2023. Sarai R. D. became the vice-president of the Ukrainian Association of District and Regional Councils for Cross-Border Cooperation and European Integration.

Session 1, Panel III: Debate of Regions II: priorities of cooperation between regions from countries associated with the Three Seas Initiative

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Violeta Labazyuk

Head of the Khmelnytskyi Regional Council

From 2020, Head of the Khmelnytsky Regional Council (eighth term). 2012-2020 Head of the charity foundation “We are together”. As the Head of the Regional Council, she created an effective team to implement important initiatives for the development of the region. It created strong foundations for the development of the Khmelnytsky Oblast as an agricultural and industrial region, favoring the development of small and medium-sized enterprises. It has successfully implemented a number of effective projects. From the first days of the war, she organized the work of two humanitarian hubs, ensuring effective distribution of aid to displaced people, medical facilities, military units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and affected regions. It initiated and established close cooperation with many international organizations to support the Khmelnytsky Oblast during the war.

Session 1, Panel III: Debate of Regions II: priorities of cooperation between regions from countries associated with the Three Seas Initiative

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Head of Volyn Oblast Council

He graduated from Volyn State University named after Lesa Ukrainka in 2004 and obtained a diploma in geography as a geographer and geography teacher. In 2006, he obtained a diploma in business management from the Interregional College of Personnel Management. In 2019, he obtained a master’s degree in public administration and management after graduating from the National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine. He holds a doctoral degree in finance, banking and insurance.

As of November 2020, he is the Chairman of the Volyn Oblast Council.


Session 1, Panel III: Debate of Regions II: priorities of cooperation between regions from countries associated with the Three Seas Initiative

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First Deputy Chairman of the Ternopil Regional Council

Mr. Volodymyr Bolyeshchuk is the First Deputy Chairman of the Ternopil Regional Council. Since October 26, 2023, he has been Acting as the Chairman of the Ternopil Regional Council. Mr. Volodymyr Bolyeshchuk is the public and political activist, economist, military man, participant in hostilities in Eastern Ukraine.

Session 1, Panel III: Debate of Regions II: priorities of cooperation between regions from countries associated with the Three Seas Initiative

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Acting Chairman of Lviv Regional Council

Graduated from Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Economics Faculty (Master’s degree in finance and credit).
Studied at Lviv State University of Internal Affairs, Law Faculty and at the Business School of the Ukrainian Catholic University.
Worked as a Director of the printing company Romus LLC.
2019 – was appointed Deputy Head of Lviv Regional State Administration.
2020 – was elected as Deputy Chairman of Lviv Regional Council (People’s Servant Party).

Session 1, Panel III: Debate of Regions II: priorities of cooperation between regions from countries associated with the Three Seas Initiative

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Deputy Head of Rivne Regional State Administration

Higher education: “Poltava Military Institute of Communications”, “Military communication systems and complexes”, “National Technical University of Yuri Kondratyuk in Poltava”, “Economics and entrepreneurship”.

Head of the Department of Protocol and Regional Relations, Department of Communications of the Kyiv Regional State Administration, Department of Regional Development, Poltava Regional Branch of the Bank PJSC “Finance and Credit”,
Officer of the Ukrainian Navy.

Session 1, Panel III: Debate of Regions II: priorities of cooperation between regions from countries associated with the Three Seas Initiative

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Wojciech Brakowiecki, PhD

Press Officer for the Medical University of Lublin

Spokesman for the Medical University of Lublin. For over 20 years he was an employee of the Polish Radio Lublin, cooperating with the Radio Information Agency and national radio programs. In his editorial work, he dealt with political, social and health issues. To this day, in cooperation with Radio Lublin, he runs the “Noble Health” program.  Five-time finalist and winner of awards, including the first one, in the “Medical Journalist of the Year” competition.

Economic Forum, Seminar I: Healthy society

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Prof. Wojciech Załuska, MD, PhD

Rector of the Medical University of Lublin

A graduate of the Faculty of Medicine at the Medical University of Lublin. He obtained the degree of doctor of medical sciences in 1992, the degree of habilitated doctor – in 2001, and the title of professor – in 2005. He is a first- and second-degree specialist in internal medicine, a specialist in nephrology, public health, hypertensiology and clinical transplantation.

Economic Forum, Seminar I: Healthy society

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Prof. Ana-Maria Gurban

National Institute for R&D in Chemistry and Petrochemistry, Bucharest, Romania

Senior scientist at the National Research and Development Institute for Chemistry and Petrochemistry – ICECHIM. Dr Gurban graduated the Faculty of Chemistry from University of Bucharest, she completed the master’s studies in the field of biosensors for environmental monitoring and a PhD in co-supervision. Dr Gurban has expertise in the design, development, characterization and optimization of miniaturized bioanalytical tools for health, food and environmental monitoring.

Economic Forum, Seminar I: Healthy society

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Mariusz Wysokiński, MD, PhD, MSc, Professor of the Medical University

Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences at the Medical University of Lublin

Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences at the Medical University of Lublin Head of the Department of Nursing Development and the Department of Fundamentals of Nursing at the Faculty of Health Sciences of the Medical University of Lublin Specialist in the field of geriatric nursing, specialist in nursing – health promotion and health education, graduate of postgraduate studies “Geriatrics and long-term care” at the Jagiellonian University Medical College in Krakow. Author and co-author of publications in the field of geriatric care, health promotion and health education, assessment of the need for nursing care.

Economic Forum, Seminar I: Healthy society

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Ph.D. Karol Rawicz- Pruszyński, prof. UM

Surgical Oncology Clinic at the Clinical University Hospital No. 1 in Lublin

Specialist in general surgery, assistant professor at the Department of Surgical Oncology of the Medical University of Lublin. It focuses clinical and scientific activities on patients with malignant cancers of the gastrointestinal system, including minimally invasive surgery, combined oncological treatment and the impact of the so-called socioeconomic factors on the development and course of malignant tumors.

Economic Forum, Seminar I: Healthy society

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Monika Lenart - Lipińska, Ph.D.

- Employee of the Endocrinology Clinic of the University Clinical Hospital No. 4 in Lublin

She is engaged in diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the endocrine organs, including diabetes. Areas of interests include, among others: diseases of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, hypothalamic-pituitary system, menstrual disorders, diagnosis of hirsutism and hyperandrogenization, endocrine and diabetic problems in pregnancy.

Economic Forum, Seminar I: Healthy society

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Anna Kasprzak-Czelej, Ph.D.

Vice President, Medical Inventi S.A

Vice President of the Board of Medical Inventi S.A., assistant professor at the Faculty of Economics at Maria Curie-Skłodowska University.  She has many years’ experience in financing and implementation of research and development projects, as well as commercialization and certification of medical devices. With an experience of more than 10 years in biotech/medtech, she has been essential in the development of Medical Inventi SA.

Economic Forum, Seminar I: Healthy society

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Michał Kanownik

President of Digital Poland Association

As the President of Digital Poland Association, he has been representing the largest manufacturers and distributors of electrical and electronic equipment in Poland for 19 years. Connected with Digital Europe, an organization of Europe’s largest association of the ICT sector, where holds the position of Board Member. Chosen by the Minister of Digital Affairs of Poland to take a seat in the ministry’s Council for Digitization. The initiator of the CEE Digital Coalition – the digital industry coalition from Central and Eastern Europe.

Economic Forum, Seminar II: Digital Society

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Ph.D. Małgorzata Ganczar, prof. CUL

Catholic University of Lublin

Research and teaching employee chair of Public Economic Law (Faculty of Law, Canon Law and Administration, John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin), attorney-at-law. Author of publications and expert in the field of: public economic law, personal data protection, new technology law, cyber security.

Economic Forum, Seminar II: Digital Society

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Simonas Černiauskas

CEO, Infobalt, Lithuania

CEO at the leading Baltic DigiTech (ICT+) association INFOBALT and the Secretary, Board of Directors at the American Chamber of Commerce in Lithuania advocating digital transformation, innovation, efficiency, sustainability, resilience and promoting Lithuania’s DigiTech industry across the globe.
He brings 20+ years of successful leadership experience at Microsoft, Telia and Tech Startups.
Simonas has educational background in Business and IT complemented by EMBA at Baltic Management Institute.

Economic Forum, Seminar II: Digital Society

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Corina Vasile

Executive Director, ANIS Romania

Corina Vasile is an accomplished executive with extensive expertise in Public Affairs, Sustainability, Corporate Communications, and B2B Marketing. She currently serves as the Executive Director of ANIS (the Romanian Employer’s Association of the Software and Services Industry) representing the interests of 150 companies, totaling 65% of the revenues and around 40% of the workforce in the sector. 


She holds an EMBA from IEDC Bled School of Management and a BA in Communications & Public Relations from the University of Bucharest. She has also completed advanced programs at Oxford University Saïd Business School and the International Association for Sustainable Economy. Corina is Fellow of the German Marshall Fund of the US and an Aspen Institute Alumnus. She served as a Board member of the Romanian Diversity Chamber of Commerce and a founding member of the Romanian Chapter of Global Women in Public Relations.  

Economic Forum, Seminar II: Digital Society

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Martina Mak

Head of Technology Transfer Office at University North, Croatia

Martina Mak is an experienced senior Innovation manager and Technology Transfer expert with a strong focus on university-industry collaboration, having spearheaded many successful projects.
Her work primarily supports the commercialization of results of scientific research, emphasizing digitalization and industry transition in the North Region of Croatia. One in process of TT include digitalization support; facilitate deep tech implementation, leveraging digital technologies in production processes and business, particularly for SMEs.

As alumni of US state department University of Chicago’s Polsky Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, supporting the development of deep tech startups in cooperation with YCombinator, 1871 Global Innovation Hub and others. Have experience in project management designed, and implemented over 100 EU projects, managed public procurement for infrastructural projects, and contributed to innovative public procurement processes.

Economic Forum, Seminar II: Digital Society

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Julia Otwinowska

Senior Associante, PwC

Julia specialises in economic analyses for both public and private sector clients. She has experience in implementing projects in the field of macroeconomic analyses, regulatory impact assessments, internationalisation, exports and developing strategies to attract investors. She implemented projects both in Poland and in the CEE area.

Economic Forum, Seminar II: Digital Society

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Lukáš Eršil

RIS3 Developer for Smart City concept in the Innovation Centre of the Ústí Region, Czech Republic

Lukáš Eršil has experience in regional development and innovation and works as a RIS3 Developer for the Innovation Centre of the Ústí Region, focusing on strategic interventions. Previously, he worked as an analyst for the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic and the Prague Innovation Institute. His career includes a role as a methodologist at Jan Evangelista Purkyně University. Lukáš holds an Ing. degree in Business Economics and Management from Jan Evangelista Purkyně University. He is also an AI enthusiast and provides training to companies and the public in the use of AI tools.

Economic Forum, Seminar II: Digital Society

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Paweł Chrapowicki

Director of the Innovation and Technology Transfer Centre of the Lublin University of Technology

Director of the Innovation and Technology Transfer Center of the Lublin University of Technology. Responsible for contacts of the Lublin University of Technology with the socio-economic environment, scholarship holder of the Top 500 Innovators program (University of California, Berkley, USA), intellectual property specialist. Involved in many R&D projects, including the development of energy recuperation systems in city buses.

Economic Forum, Seminar III: Economic Forum, Seminar II: Digital Society

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Dr hab. inż. Dariusz Zieliński

Lublin University of Technology: Department of Electrical Drives and Machines

He is an employee of the Lublin University of Technology, employed as a professor at the Department of Electrical Drives and Machines, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. As his habilitation achievement, he presented a series of thematically related scientific articles entitled: “Energy conversion and storage in the presence of network voltage disturbances”. He participated in three research projects financed by the National Center for Research and Development, the subject of which was the development of a prosumer inverter with energy storage and a bidirectional charging station for electric vehicles. His last completed project, of which he was the manager: Innovative modular, mobile energy storage allowing operation in AC and DC systems, equipped with modules for managing renewable energy resources and the power profile of enterprises, POIR.01.01.01-00-0091/21.

Economic Forum, Seminar III: Economic Forum, Seminar II: Digital Society

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Michał Klimczyk

Member of the Management Board, Podkarpacka Dolina Wodorowa Association

Member of the Management Board of the Podkarpacka Dolina Wodorowa Association (Hydrogen Valley). PhD student in the discipline of mechanical engineering, dealing with issues related to the use of hydrogen technologies in aviation. Coordinator of the educational project “Hydrogen technologies. The future starts today!” implemented in 2023 for secondary school students. Employee of the Rzeszów University of Technology. Ignacy Łukasiewicz in the department of Vice-Rector for Development and Cooperation with the Business Environment.

Economic Forum, Seminar III: Economic Forum, Seminar II: Digital Society

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Marcin Nowosielski

President of the Board, C2C Sp. z o.o.

President of the Management Board of C2C Dystrybucja Sp. z o. o., co-founder of C2C Sp. z o. o., which produces ecological thermoplastic packaging, and Kartform Sp. z o. o., producing paper packaging. He actively participates in numerous research and implementation programs and was the first in Poland to introduce fully biocompostable corn starch-based films into series production in 2019, which received the TUV Ok Compost Home certificate. He specializes in materials engineering, recycling, and the implementation of ESG strategies in manufacturing processes.

Economic Forum, Seminar III: Economic Forum, Seminar II: Digital Society

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Marek Pierściński

Commercial Director, Port Lotniczy Lublin S.A.

Commercial Director of Lublin Airport S.A. Responsible for the development of air connections, commercialization of space, development of services and marketing. He gained over twenty years of experience in the aviation industry in ground handling companies and airlines.

Economic Forum, Seminar III: Economic Forum, Seminar II: Digital Society

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Jędrzej Szczepaniak

Investment and Development Director, ELPAR Sp. z o.o.

Director of the investment and development department at ELPAR S.A. A graduate of the Lublin University of Technology at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.

Economic Forum, Seminar III: Economic Forum, Seminar II: Digital Society

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Damian Dobrzański

Technical Deputy Director, ARTHUR BUS Sp. z o.o

Deputy Technical Director at ARTHUR BUS Sp. z o. o. Responsible for the development of hydrogen and electric vehicles. Specialist in the field of drive systems used in electromobility and public transport vehicles. PhD student at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science of the Lublin University of Technology.

Privately, he is passionate about automotive and new technologies.

Economic Forum, Seminar III: Economic Forum, Seminar II: Digital Society

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Tomasz Szewczyk

Director of the Department of Energy Storage, Tele-Fonika Kable S.A.

Head of the Energy Storage Production Department at TELE-FONIKA Kable S.A. For several years, he has been responsible for the development of this business segment in the TFKable group, which resulted in his recently completed research project financed by EU funds as part of the “Szybka Ścieżka” project entitled: “Innovative modular, mobile energy storage allowing operation in AC systems and DC equipped with modules for managing renewable energy resources and the power profile of enterprises. Privately, he is passionate about space flights and geopolitics.

Economic Forum, Seminar III: Economic Forum, Seminar II: Digital Society