Regulations of the Congress

Regulations of the Three Seas Local Government Congress and the Economic Forum

June 12-13, 2024

§ 1.

General provisions

  1. The Organiser of the Three Seas Local Government Congress and the Economic Forum in 2023 (hereinafter referred to as the Congress or the Event) is the Lubelskie Voivodeship with its registered office at ul. A. Grottgera 4, 20-029 Lublin. The co-organizers of the Event are the Institute for Local Government Development of the Lubelskie Voivodeship with its registered office at ul. Marii Skłodowskiej-Curie 32/9, 20-029 Lublin, Lublin Conference Center with its registered office at ul. Grottgera 2, 20-029 Lublin, Lublskie Opera with its registered office at ul. Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej 5, 20-029 Lublin, and Henryk Wieniawski Lublin Philharmonic with its registered office at ul. Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej 5, 20-029 Lublin.
  2. The purpose of the Congress is to intensify cooperation between regions and business networking of companies from the Three Seas Initiative area and Eastern Europe. The event is dedicated to representatives of the administration of the Three Seas Regions, the world of science, business, and the media.
  3. The Congress will be held on June 12-13, 2024 at the Lublin Conference Center in Lublin in a stationary format.
  4. The Regulations specify the conditions for organization and participation in Congress.
  5. The provisions of the Regulations apply to Congress Participants.
  6. The official Congress website can be found at
  7. Contact the Organizer:
    1. address: Team for the organization of the Three Seas Local Government Congress: ul.  A.  Grottgera 4, 20- 029 Lublin, Polska,
    2. phone: organizational matters +48 81 4416 761,+48 81 4416 796,
    3. address e-mail:

Three Seas Local Government Congress:,

Economic Forum:

  1. Terms used in the Regulations shall be understood as

a) Congress: Three Seas Local Government Congress and Economic Forum,

b) GDPR: Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation),

c) Participant: individual or a legal person, an organizational unit without legal personality, which the law grants legal capacity (company, association, foundation, etc.), who registered participation in the Congress on the website and received from the Organizer electronically confirmation of participation.

9. These Regulations are available at the Organizer’s office and on the official website of the Congress.

§ 2.

Application for participation

  1. Registration of event Participants takes place via the website: and is aimed at obtaining confirmation of participation in the event.
  2. Confirmation of participation: a message sent by the Organizer in response to the notification of willingness to participate in the Congress, i.e. a completed and sent registration form at
  3. Application for participation in the Congress is made by completing and sending the registration form to
  4. Sending the form means acceptance of the provisions of the Regulations, as well as compliance with the order regulations and any other arrangements made between the Participant and the Organizer.
  5. In order to register and receive information from the Organizer, the Participant must have access to the Internet and a web browser. The website is compatible with the most popular web browsers.
  6. Registration for the Congress ends on June 7, 2024, at 00:00 or when the maximum number of people determined by the Organizer is registered. The Organizer reserves the right to extend the registration deadline.
  7. The order of registration on the list of Congress Participants is determined by the order of applications.
  8. Only registered Participants are allowed to enter the premises where the Congress is held, upon presentation of the confirmation of registration. Unregistered persons are obliged to leave the Congress immediately at the Organizer’s request.
  9. The Participant of the event may be:
    1. a representative of a legal person or an organizational unit without legal personality, which the law grants legal capacity, who has been indicated to participate in the Event;
    2. an individual, who is over 18 years of age and has the full legal capacity or an individual who is over 16 years of age and has obtained the consent of a statutory representative to participate in Congress.
  10. Participation in the Event is free of charge.
  11. To contact the Organizer and receive messages, the Participant should have an e-mail address and access to the appropriate program for e-mail.
  12. The Organizer, at the time of admitting invited guests to the facilities of the Lublin Conference Center, issues personal identifiers to registered Participants. In the area of the above-mentioned facilities, the Participant has the right to request the Participant to show the identifier received at the entrance.
  13. In the case of providing false or incomplete information, as well as in other justified cases, the Organizer may refuse the Participant to participate in the Congress.
  14. The Organizer stipulates that participation in the Congress is limited by the number of places.

§ 3.

Withdrawal from participation

  1. In the event of resignation from participation in the Event, the Participant is obliged to report this fact to the Organizer no later than 3 working days before the date of the Event.
  2. Cancellation of participation in the Event, as referred to in paragraph 1, must be made by sending an e-mail with a relevant message to the Organizer at the following address:
  3. In the event of cancellation or a change in the form of the Event, the Organizer will inform each Participant.

§ 4.

Responsibility of Participants

  1. Each Participant is obliged to read and comply with the Regulations.
  2. The promotion of content prohibited by law, inconsistent with the principles of social intercourse, good morals, cultural principles, and with the objectives and mission of the Congress is prohibited on the premises of the Congress.
  3. Congress Participants are obliged to respect order and the rights of third parties, including, among others, representatives of the media, other participants, speakers, and representatives of the Congress Organizers.
  4. Participants of the Congress are obliged to comply with the provisions of the generally applicable law, including fire, sanitary, epidemiological, and occupational health and safety rules in force on the premises where the Congress is held, as well as with the organizational and technical instructions and instructions of the Organizer.
  5. Participants are obliged to inform representatives of the Organizer of any risks arising during the Event.
  6. The Organizer is not responsible for the belongings of the Congress Participants.
  7. Participants of the event enter the premises where the Congress will be held at their own risk and responsibility. The Organizer is not responsible for damage to objects and loss of health or life resulting from the actions of third parties.
  8. The Organizer is not responsible for the consequences of accidents.
  9. Participants of the Congress bear full responsibility for all their content, statements, presentations, and behavior during the Congress. The Organizer is not responsible for statements and presentations made during the Congress.
  10. Failure to comply with the provisions of these Regulations, instructions of representatives of the Organizer, and inappropriate behavior of the Participant, including conducting demonstrations disrupting the course of the Congress, bringing alcohol, psychoactive drugs, smoking and electronic cigarettes, dangerous objects, explosives, pyrotechnics and any manifestations of disruption of the Congress, creating a dangerous situation are grounds for disciplinary measures in the form of:
    1. warnings,
    2. immediate removal of the Participant from the Congress area by representatives of the Organizer without the right to return and without the right to claim reimbursement of any costs or expenses incurred in connection with participation in the Congress,
    3. notification of the competent law enforcement authorities.
  11. The Organizer decides about the application of a disciplinary measure and its type.
  12. The Organizer is not liable for damages caused by the Participant during the Event. If third parties make any claims related to the damage caused by the Congress Participant during the Event, they will be obliged to cover all costs related to the obligation to repair it.
  13. The Participant bears full legal and financial responsibility for damages caused by his fault.


§ 5.

Personal data

  1. By registering, the Participant declares that he/she has read the information clause posted on the website of the Congress:
  2. The course of the Congress will be recorded using video and sound recording devices. The recordings or photos may capture, as a detail of the whole, the image of a Congress Participant. The photos and recordings referred to above may then be published on the following websites:,,,, and partners of the Congress and in the Organizer’s promotional materials pursuant to art. 81 sec. 2 points 2 of the Act of February 4, 1994, on copyright and related rights (Journal of Laws 2022, item 2509), which does not require the consent of the Congress participant.


§ 6.

Final Provisions

  1. The cost of any travel and accommodation shall be paid by the Participant on his own.
  2. The Organizer reserves the right to cancel or change the form and/or date of the Event.
  3. The Organizer reserves the right to make changes to the Regulations and program of the Congress at any time, including the right to change the time schedule, order of speeches, and changes of speakers, and undertakes to publish updated information on the Event website. When making changes to the program during the Event, the Organizer will keep the Event Participants informed of the changes made to the program at:
  4. If the Organizer revises the Regulations, it shall notify the Participants by publishing the new text of the Regulations on the site:
  5. If the Participant does not agree to the new provisions of the Regulations, he/she should report his/her resignation to the Organizer by e-mail to the following address:
  6. In the event of any changes in the date of organization of the Congress, change of form, or if the Congress does not take place, the Participant shall not be entitled to compensation or reimbursement of any costs incurred in connection with participation in the Congress.
  7. In matters not regulated by the Regulations, the relevant provisions of the Civil Code shall apply.
  8. The final interpretation of the provisions of these Regulations shall rest with the Organizer.
  9. Any disputes that may arise in connection with the organization and participation in the Congress shall be resolved by a court having jurisdiction over the seat of the Organizer.

/-/ Jarosław Stawiarski

Marshal of the Lubelskie Voivodeship