Accessibility statement

1.    Introductory part and name of public authority

Urząd Marszałkowski Województwa Lubelskiego w Lublinie (UMWL/Marshal Office of the Lubelskie Voivodeship in Lublin (ul. Grottgera 4, 20‑029 Lublin, tel. 81 44 16 606, e‑mail: undertakes to ensure the accessibility of its website in accordance with the Act of 4 April 2019 on the accessibility of websites and mobile applications of public entities.

This accessibility statement applies to the website

2.    Date of publication and date last updated

Date of website publication: 14/02/2020

Date last updated: 31/01/2023

3.    Compliance status

This website is only partially compliant with the Act of 4 April 2019 on the accessibility of websites and mobile applications of public entities. This is due to the following non-compliances:

  • the website features documents and multimedia files that are not adapted for disabled people;
  • not all visual elements have audio with subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing;
  • not all multimedia elements have correct audio description that can be enabled by non-visual means;
  • some alternative image descriptions may be incorrect, and some images are not provided with alternative texts;
  • some documents available on the website have been provided by third parties and may not meet accessibility requirements.

4.    Date and method of preparation of the accessibility statement

This accessibility statement was issued on: 31/01/2023

This accessibility statement is based on a self-assessment undertaken by the public entity concerned.

In accordance with Article 11 of Act on the on the accessibility of websites and mobile applications of public entities, the last review took place on: 26/03/2024

5.    Keyboard shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts make it easier to use the website. Website users can use standard browser keyboard shortcuts.

6.    Feedback and contact:

If you have encountered any problems related to the digital accessibility of this website, you can report them to Patrycja Chruściel by sending an email to, or by calling: 81 4416 796.

You can also use this contact to request access to information that is currently inaccessible, or to request that accessibility be ensured.

UMWL’s Accessibility Coordinator

7.    Procedure

Any person may request that this website or its elements be made digitally accessible. When making such a request, please provide:

  • your first and last name;
  • your contact details (e.g. telephone number, email);
  • the detailed address of the website that features digitally inaccessible elements or content;
  • a description of what the issue is about and what solution would be the most convenient for you.

We will respond to your request as soon as possible, within a maximum of seven days.

If, however, we are unable to respond within this time limit, we will let you know, specifying the new date by which we will resolve the issues you have reported or prepare the information using an alternative solution. The new time limit will not be longer than 2 months.

If we are unable to ensure the digital accessibility of the website or its contents as per your request, we will offer you an alternative solution to access them.

If you are unsatisfied with the solutions we have offered, you may file a complaint with the management of our Office and notify the Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights.

Commissioner for Human Rights.

8.    Architectural accessibility

4 Grottgera Street, 20-029 Lublin (ul. Artura Grottgera 4, 20-029 Lublin)
The main entrance to the office building is accessible from Grottgera Street (ul. Grottgera). The side entrance is located on the right side of the building from Maria Curie-Skłodowska Street (ul. Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej). The main entrance leads through a large glass door. On the right-hand side in front of the building entrance there is an intercom allowing the concierge to be called. The communication spaces of the building are barrier-free horizontally and vertically (horizontal communication – corridors on one level, vertical communication – lifts).The office provides information on the layout of the rooms of the various departments:
• visually – the information board located to the right hand side of the main entrance;
• by voice – the information received at the General Office (customer service desk), at the porter’s lodge and through the TOTUPOINT navigation system.
To the General Office, follow the road about 5 metres ahead from the main entrance and then turn right. At the General Office you will find out where to get your matter done. The porter’s lodge is located to the left of the main entrance. There are four lifts opposite the main entrance and one lift to the right, after passing the main hall behind a glass marked door and one lift to the left, after passing the main hall also behind a glass marked door. The lifts are equipped with buttons described in Braille. The button for level zero (where the main entrance is located) is highlighted by a surround in a reflective colour. Lifts are equipped with an audible system that informs visitors of the floor level number. Next to the side lifts there are staircases by which the different levels of the office can be accessed. The beginning and end of the staircase runs are marked with sticker tapes. Departmental secretariats are located to the right or left after exiting the lift. The Secretary’s Office of the Marshal is located to the right after exiting the lift, room 136. There are two toilets for people with disabilities on each floor, located to the right and left side of the building. A parking place for a person with disabilities is designated on level -1 (minus one) of the garage, the entrance to which is located on the left side of the main entrance to the building at 4 Grottgera Street (ul. Grottgera 4). Upon entering the parking area, press the button that calls the porter. We encourage a person with a disability wishing to use a parking space to inform the office at (+48) 81 44 16 500 of their visit at least one day in advance.

9.    Services for disabled persons

If you require assistance from a Polish Sign Language (PJM), Sign Language System (SJM) or Deafblind Communication (SKOGN) interpreter to handle official business at the Marshal Office of the Lublin Voivodeship in Lublin and in its branches in Biała Podlaska, Chełm and Zamość, please:

  • send us a text message/picture message at 661 166 190;
  • contact us through another person;
  • call 81 44 16 600 or 661 166 190
  • send a fax to 81 44 16 649,
  • send an email to:

If you require assistance from a translator, please let us know what method of communication you need by contacting us as described above at least three working days in advance, except for emergency situations. This will make it easier for us to arrange for the assistance you require. Our Office provides a portable hearing loop.

You may enter the building and all its rooms with an assistance dog and a guide dog.

10. Additional notes

The Marshal’s Chancellery of the Marshal Office of the Lubelskie Voivodeship in Lublin does not provide a mobile application.